Are You Happy in Your Job?

To get up each morning with a feeling of bliss in doing what you do every day is a thing of most fortunate people.

How do you define happiness in your job? Do factors like money, job security, work environment, status, company policies and your manager’s behavior define satisfaction in your job……Yes? Then you are seeing only one side of the coin.

Satisfaction and dissatisfaction are independent measures.  For example, did you ever realize that it is possible to love your job and hate it at the same time! Puzzling? See, if any one of the above mentioned factors are missing in your job then it would lead to job dissatisfaction. You have to take care of these elements to ensure you are not complaining every other day about how your job sucks.

But if these factors suddenly improve in your job, you’re not going to love it. You will just not hate it anymore. These are, as I say temporary.  Are you getting what I was trying to say earlier? In such situation you say it is absence of job dissatisfaction. It implies that the opposite of job dissatisfaction isn’t job satisfaction, but the absence of job dissatisfaction. These factors will not make you love your job.

Don’t Demean Your Life
Then what are the factors that will make you truly love your job. The parameters that will not just affect your work life but will indirectly encompass every aspect of your life. According to the most recognized writers in the field of motivation, challenging work, recognition, responsibility and personal growth are those golden factors.  These are the things that will motivate you from inside. It is much less about the external stimulating factors and more about what’s inside you and your work.

Don’t forget, we spend most of our waking hours at our job. So the matter of loving your job is a matter of giving meaning to your life. So why not start thinking hard about bringing out the best in you through your everyday necessity….your job! Bliss of life is after all just a right job away…:)

It would be a pleasure to know your opinions and experiences as comments.



Frederick Herzberg Work